3 years ago on November 10, Fayte was born and we've been on the most incredible and rewarding journey of our lives ever since. Fayte spent the days leading up to her celebration with special outings, activities and even a new addition to the family: Champ! Then rang in her birthday in style with her friends at "Milk and Cooki3s!"

Fayte was treated to a special birthday lunch at Red Robin all the way out in Flower Mound. She ordered a root beer float, mac and cheese (despite having mac and cheese for breakfast too!) and a special birthday sundae.

Fayte works on some dance moves for her upcoming party at Powerhouse Dallas

Hudson prefers to stand off to the side, though he can't resist the mirrors

Fayte's also been into makeup ever since she got to wear some for Halloween. Unfortunately, she hasn't mastered the art yet and unfortunately, this was done with a permanent marker.

And here is Fayte's birthday present from Mommy and Daddy: Champ the boxer puppy

Hudson takes him out for a test drive. Champ is not amused.

The kids were all smiles the morning of the party


Fayte's friend Christian sported some appropriate kicks to the party

Fayte and Ava jam out on Guitar Hero

Ava, Chantel Fayte and Abby

Connor gets ready to throw on the Hulk Hands

Connor, Fayte, Abby, Ava and Magrite pick up after Cookie Monster

Fayte had the most wonderful third birthday party!

Hudson was happy too

And so was Champ since he got to see our friend Baxter

We may have to make room on the mantle for Champ. This is our shameless plug for our newly renovated "subway-tiled, midcentury-modern" fireplace by the way. We haven't posted any home renovation entries lately...being pregnant kinda gets in the way, so we're happy to be able to show this before and after.

Gold is old. Be sure to click on the "home" tag under "categories" to the right if you're interested in seeing our other home projects. We know its been a while.
And after the fireplace, we took our tools into the garage and fashioned a nice little den for Champ.

The room was pre-existing. We just fancied it up a little and added a mid-century style gate to match our home. The windows were made using cheap photo frames from Ikea. The room has 2 doggie doors connecting to the dog run on the side of our house on one side and into our galley kitchen on the other side. Champ loves it...so does Fayte.

We also noticed that Champ was starting to spill his food everywhere. The fix? Some cheap legs from Ikea, a plank of wood and some handy work. We can't take credit for this since we read of a similar set up on IkeaHacker.com.

And while we're off-subject, we just wanted to share this great shot of Fayte in the backyard on Saturday morning. The combination of the leaves of the persimmon tree turning yellow, the sun peeking over our fence and the winter-wear on this chilly morning really doesn't feel like Dallas does it?
Anyway, 1000 thanks to all the wonderful friends and family who showed up to the big bash. It was certainly one to remember and it looks like everyone had a great time. With all the dog chasing, pinata smashing and milk and cookie eating, we trust that everyone had a pretty nice nap afterward as well!

Peace out!
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