Friday, November 27, 2009


Happy Thanksgiving from Dallas!

The kids got up early to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade


Fayte sets the table

Ready to eat

Fayte's favorite part

Hudson's focused on ONE thing.

Champ gets a plate

Connor and Hudson in matching argyle

Our stoop

Strike a pose?

This kid is FAST

The next Usain Bolt

During the week off, we also went to Babe's Chicken Dinner House

Known as the best fried chicken in Dallas, its served family-style. It's like the chicken version of Salt Lick BBQ. Ah-maze-ing.

Hudson was freaked out by the bucking bronco across from Babe's

But he warmed up to it after it came to a stop

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Fayte turned 4 this week and the Yankees were the first to deliver her a gift by winning their 27th world series. She was very excited to be able to stay up late and was Champ.

That weekend, we took Fayte out to celebrate on a safari adventure!

Fayte is FOUR!

Hudson's excited

A zebra decides to eat Hudson's hand

A monster and some wilderbeasts

After the safari adventure, we visited Dinosaur Valley State Park since Fayte is currently studying and interested in dinosaurs at school.

Dino tracks!

We capped the day off with a visit to the Ranch House in Glen Rose, one of Texas's top BBQ restaurants according to Texas Monthly.

Blink and you'll miss it

Brisket, ribs, sausage, okra, fries and buttermilk pie. All made from scratch!

Cake back at the house

Coraline dolls from Mommy!

Jack Skellington and Sally dolls (Nightmare Before Christmas) from Hudson!