Although it's become unbelievably uncomfortable with the temperature usually still hovering around 99 degrees at bed time, we've been doing what we can around the house to make sure Hudson feels as comfy and cozy as he possibly can when he arrives. We're shooting for an end-of-the-month arrival, but now that it's been 9 months, it's really any day now. As you can tell from the little polaroid up there, he's a low-rider and he's been extremely active to boot. Perhaps its because his home has recently begun to experience earthquakes. In other words, the lovely Braxton Hicks contractions have already started. We'll keep you posted. Check back often as we'll be live-blogging the labor and delivery! (Kidding.)

The bassinet is ready to go!

And we've built a mobile to match his woodland themed walls.

We were pretty pumped to find this book in one of our old moving boxes.

And we were also suckers for this little guy.

Perhaps you've heard that we won a Jonathan Adler designed giraffe sconce from Apartment Therapy! Finally, some good luck this year.

Fayte sings a song to Hudson.

Fayte enjoying the new family-sized mid-century sofa. We ordered this way back before the lightning fiasco when we moved and it just now came in!

Not to be outdone by her brother, Fayte had to have some branches on her wall as well!
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