It's that time again! Time for the annual Le Family Yankee game. This year we caught the team in Dallas rather than in the Bronx, and Cousin Connor came along. Uncle Patrick was nice enough to score a large family-friendly SUV for the trek out to the ballpark and we had a blast. The game featured several lead changes, many homeruns, and a tie-breaking walk-off grand slam! Unfortunately, it was for the Rangers. Still, it was a night to remember.

Pulling up to the Ballpark, we were in awe of the new "Jerry Land" opening next football season.

Fayte took a little batting practice before the game.

She hit a dinger and won a prize!

The proud parents. We were ecstatic.

Uncle Patrick, Cousin Connor and Aunt Kristi: A House Divided.

Fayte zooms in on the Captain, Derek Jeter

Okay. We're going to blame this purchase on Hudson's mind-control.

"Daddy, you're going to feel really bad about eating that chili-cheese dog later."
Speaking of New York and food, we had the pleasure of trying out Grimaldi's new location in Dallas's Uptown neighborhood recently. While the thin-sliced cheese-bubbly pizza was as authentic as the original coal-fired variety in Brooklyn, the experience was soured by everything that is wrong about Dallas. The place was infested with botox injecting metrosexuals, implants, peroxide and get this...wine lists. We waited close to an hour for our pie and the deafening techno music did not make things any easier. Probably won't be back. Pastazio's is our favorite place to grab an NY pie in Dallas.

The pizza was truly NY, but the uppity nightclub atmosphere was far from it.

Fayte didn't seem to mind though as she was occupied with making her own pizza.
Oh and yes, as you can tell from the header, we are pretty pregnant now. In fact, Hudson will be full-term at the end of the month so really its any day now (though we're planning for his arrival to be at the end of the month). We'll save the preggers update for another post coming soon.