Today, Olive/Leighton is the size of a lime! Pretty unbelievable considering that he/she was the size of a grape only 3 weeks ago. We're just hoping that this time, the baby will be smaller than Fayte, who as you recall was a whopping 8 pounds and 10 ounces. We're a little worried because she amassed all that weight eating fresh tomatoes the whole pregnancy. This time, it's been nothing but meat and potatoes. We can already tell that Fayte and the new baby will not get along come dinner time.
Something that's also pretty unbelievable is that the baby's already making itself felt! It's very exciting to have that so early on this time. And yes according to Su Chin, the baby's got fingernails. If you're wondering what that means, go see Juno. We finally saw it at Dallas's equivalent of the Alamo Drafthouse last weekend and thought it was hilarious and deserving of the shiny gold men its nominated for. EVERY movie theatre should serve an extensive dinner menu and feature comfy executive recliners, right Fayte?

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