You know what else is starting to look better? Hudson's halloween costume. This year, Hudson will be donning Max's wolf suit from Where The Wild Things Are. Surprisingly, nobody makes this even with the Spike Jonez film coming out so we're putting it together ourselves. Here it is about halfway done. We're pretty excited and so is he.

Fayte will be Coraline this year. Stay tuned for pix!

With the cooler temperatures and football on TV, Fall also means BBQ in Texas. Since we don't have a smoker, we had to improvise today:

Yep. That's a smoker alright. Thanks to Food Network's Alton Brown, we were able to take his instructions and turn an ordinary cardboard box into a brisket-making machine!

The contraption consisted of an electric griddle, oak chips, a roasting rack, 2 dowels to hold the rack in place and a digital oven thermometer.

Add in a nice dry-rubbed brisket carmelized in Salt Lick BBQ sauce and you've got yourself some heavenly TX BBQ in 8 hours! Shockingly, the makeshift smoker worked like a charm and best of all, its recyclable! We're thinking of making one of these Alton Brown Flower Pot Smokers in the future. Gotta admit its a lot friendlier to the eyes.