Mini Mac made it over the 1-year hill this weekend and all of his cousins came over to celebrate.
Little man started his big day with some birthday TV time
Fayte wore her finest for the festivities
Couch surfing with Champ
Sharing animal crackers with Champ
Mommy made a special cake for Hudson
Our MVP of the day
Cousin Connor, Hadley and Fayte
Time for presents
A new guitar!


New jeans from Mimi and Papa

Momma's chicken legs

They are so skinny!
Aunt Tania and Aunt Kristi came through with sweet kicks.
Modeling Aunt Kristi's new shoes
It's blurry, but Fayte's "Old-Lady-Bingo-Winner" face is priceless. The kids loved this toy from Aunt Vian.
Ba Noi bought Hudson a brand new house!

Fayte models a new Yankees outfit from Ba Noi
Hudson displays some Longhorn pride via Aunt KJ and Uncle Andrew
Ba Noi, Cousin Connor, Aunt Kristi, Mom and the birthday boy
Uncle Patrick and the puppies
After a big day, Hudson is pooped.