Everyone keeps asking us to post more pictures. Unfortunately, most of the 1600 shots we've taken the last 2 weeks are of Hudson sleeping. The little guy doesn't really do much. He sleeps most of the day, only waking up to eat. Yet he's managed to burn through pack after pack of diapers! So far so good. He's a very mellow baby and rarely cries. He wakes up regularly at 1 AM and 5 AM to eat. Other than that, he lets us sleep. And we thought we were pretty blessed with Fayte! Hope it stays like this.
We took him to the doctor's this week and he's doing great. He loves tummy time and his neck's getting stronger each day. He's grown an inch and is packing on the pounds so quickly that our doctor had to measure him twice to be believe what she was seeing. This was a relief to us as Fayte had caught a virus last week and so quarantining the two worked out. It also made Fayte really appreciate her little brother when she was finally cleared to play with him. The two get along wonderfully and it's a joy seeing how entertained Fayte is by his little actions. Probably the sweetest thing Fayte's said about Hudson so far has been, "Thank you Mommy for bringing Hudson."

Little Bro and Big Sis

Fayte wakes her brother up

Driving Mr. Hudson

Playing in the front yard

Hudson's favorite pasttime

More sleeping

He's awake!

Two little monsters

Hudson for Heisman 2028!

People pay big money for those highlights. Very Dallas-style.

Hook 'Em Hudson

Hudson's first bath. He didn't enjoy it as much as Fayte did.
Speaking of Fayte, she's been so helpful with the new baby that we wanted to reward her with a father-daughter trip to Chuck-E-Cheese. Unfortunately, we chose to visit the location closest to our home...the sigh...inner-city location, where unless you're an extremely obese full-grown adult who enjoys cutting in front of children to cheat at a dirty, half-functioning skee-ball machine, you'd be better served going to a location in the 'burbs.

Despite all the people over 3 ft tall, that's not a shot of a Harrah's Casino.
Fortunately, Fayte didn't seem to notice that only a quarter of the games and rides were working (probably because of all the full-grown adults climbing on them to cheat). She was quite happy with the couple games she got to play and the fabulous eye patch and lollipop she was able to win! Arrrgh matey! Ye' next time, we will set sail for the Plano location.