Speaking of things growing at our house, check out this picture we snapped a couple weeks ago! We didn't think our persimmon tree would bear fruit until around October, but recently we've noticed hundreds of these little orbs popping up seemingly overnight!

We also made it past the salmonella scare by enjoying Fayte's very own homegrown tomatoes. Besides watering her plants, Fayte's been enjoying her Summer at the local pool and rooting for Daddy at his softball games. As if it wasn't bad enough that an opponent struck out the other night, Fayte added insult to injury by running up to the fence and shouting "YAY!!!!!" You know its a bad night when a 2-year old heckles you from the stands.
Fayte's also been spending her summer attending class and working on lessons at The Le Academy For Talented and Gifted Children Named Fayte. The student to teacher ratio is 1:1 and she's on full scholarship. The faculty is top-notch if I do say so myself!