UPDATE: Just wrapped up staining the floor. If you're interested, we can set up a Web cam and stream a live feed so that you can watch it dry. Any takers? No? Oh well.

As we mentioned earlier this week, we were lucky enough to find beautiful hardwood floors underneath our carpet. Unfortunately it wasn't so beautiful in every spot, which was to be expected. Otherwise, why would the previous owner cover it up? With furniture still waiting to be moved in, and with the clock ticking on when we have to be out of our old apartment, we knew we had to get to work. Here's the room with the carpet. Not bad, but give it a few months with Fayte.

We were warned that sanding your own floors is something best left to a professional. We read so many horror stories from fellow do-it-yourselfers, mainly tales about gouging holes into floors and losing control of the floor sander that we began to have second thoughts. In the end, we decided to bite the bullet and do it ourselves. After all, we did find free wood floors. Paying someone to do them would seem counter-productive.

Digging for gold....er, precious wood.

Said blemishes and imperfections.

We wear these all the time in case of SARS. We just happened to be sanding today.

And here it is completely sanded within 3 hours! Trust us. If you can mow a lawn, then you can sand your own floors. You can't tell from the photo, but the wood looks beautiful in its natural unfinished color. However, the whole reason we're going with wood is to defend against Fayte and her little brother/sister. So, we are going to stain it a dark walnut color. Stay tuned.